Home Addition Ideas to Increase Square Footage

It’s always a good time to think about home additions because, as we all know, renovating your home increases its square footage and value. Your home’s increased value leads to…
Most Popular Home Addition Trends in 2023

A new year means new home addition trends. You can stick with the classics, modern, or something in between, depending on your style and preferences. No answer is right or…
Home Additions to Increase The Value of Your Home

Nothing lasts forever, and the same thing can be said about staying in the same home. It’s never too late to think about the future, especially when it comes to…
Why You Should Build a Dadu on Your Property

A DADU, or a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit, is a great way to add extra space into your Nashville home when in-laws are visiting, or your adult children want to…
Next Home Addition: Increasing Square Footage

School’s closing for the summer in a week or two, and with the kids home and outdoor workspaces becoming a reality as the weather continues to warm, you may be…
Here are some design ideas for your new DADU!

With a new season comes new renovation ideas and ways to design them based on your style! A DADU, or detached additional dwelling unit, can also be called a backyard…
How To Plan For Your Home Addition Next Summer

You may be in holiday cheer mode, but it’s never too late to start planning for next summer! A home addition may be what you need to add value to…
Is Building a DADU a Good Investment?
You may be wondering, what is a DADU? Also known as a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU), DADUs are detached small homes with a sleeping area, a bathroom, a kitchen,…
3 Things to Consider When Planning for a Home Addition
You know you want to build an addition onto your home, but where do you even start? Whether you’re a first-time homeowner adding an addition to their house or just…